NZ ASEAN Business Alliance launches inaugural conference
As such a prominent regional hub, living and working in Singapore often means your focus doesn't stay in Singapore. Whether you have a regional role, are looking for partners or trying to grow your business in Asia, many of us spend a good portion of energy in our neighbouring Asian countries. Even if your focus is only Singapore, your business will be influenced by regional trends which you need to keep abreast off. Recognizing the importance of connections to identify and explore opportunities, the New Zealand ASEAN Business Alliance (ABA) sees our common interest in New Zealand as a platform to create a collaborative environment.
The ABA network consists of New Zealand Chambers or Business Associations in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, New Zealand, Philippines, Indonesia and Myanmar. Reciprocal membership rights are granted to each partner organization which means your access will now open to all networks within the region. Connections are encouraged through sharing of events, speakers, discussion on common issues and shared learning.
To learn more about the ABA and get the latest market information, check out their new website here.
This September the ABA is holding it's inaugural business conference in Bangkok Thailand with the theme "Boosting Conectivity Across ASEAN." The conference is designed to bring together NZ businesses from across ASEAN and NZ in one place to experience workshops, keynote speakers, site visits and more. The ABA has been working with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE), the Southeast Asia CAPE and others to bring together what promises to be a memorable, business focused event. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with international business leaders across ASEAN and NZ, key decision makers and senior government officials.
You can book your place at the conference here.